Guidelines for Dealing with Complaints of Sexual Abuse of Children and Sexual Assault of Adults
The Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie is made up of people who care deeply for the well-being of all its members and of those to whom they minister. Over the past decades, we have become more aware of the possibility of harm being done to those very people who stand most in need of our care and compassion. We hear Christ's words: "Whatsoever you do to the least of mine, you do to me." We respond to these words with a renewed commitment to ensuring that our parish communities will be known for their care of the vulnerable, their safety and their integrity.
It is in this spirit that the Diocese has developed a set of guidelines:
Managing Allegations of Sexual Abuse and of Sexual Assault
Care of Victims.
The Bishop’s office is directly responsible for the implementation of these guidelines. The Bishop will ensure that these guidelines are well known throughout the Diocese and are continually kept in mind by the parishes, movements and individuals that make up the Diocese. Each year, he will gather his staff to develop a plan for the pastoral year to ensure the continued formation necessary in this regard.
Volunteers will be made aware of these guidelines and of their obligation to report any case to the Delegate.